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Passion Blooms
from a
Fangirl's Heart
Curating playlists, crafting blog posts, and creating unique content,
SJ Barnes, the author with a fangirl's heart, shares her passion for writing, music, and BTS.
Since 2020
The heart of a fangirl finds its voice with a pollination of topics, from personal anecdotes to SJ's latest writing updates. Focusing on music-inspired blogs, particularly those related to BTS, where words and passion converge.
For mobile users: Click "BTS 25x1B" in the main menu to access "This Week's Top Streams" and BTS "Playlists."
BTS Genre Galaxy – embark on a journey to explore the diverse musical galaxies within BTS's universe. Navigate through curated playlists to discover and enjoy the unique sounds they offer.
Curating Bangtan passion into the world's finest art collection. Art is subjective. BTS is my favorite subject. Visit our Pinterest page, brimming with thousands of my favorite BTS pictures for your enjoyment and inspiration.
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