April 30th is National Military Brat Day.
In 1986, Defense Secretary Caspar Weinberger designated April as the Month of the Military Child as a time to applaud military children and their daily sacrifices and challenges. Military Brats, Inc created National Military Brats Day in 2016, and it has been celebrated on April 30th every year since. Military Brats, inc’s purpose is to preserve the culture and heritage of the Military Brat. They founded the Military Brats Registry in April of 1997 with the motto: Children of the world, blown to all corners of the world. We bloom anywhere.
Challenges of Brat Life
Military families move every two to three years on average, and military children change schools six to nine times from the start of kindergarten to their high school graduation. An estimated 30 percent of military service members will move to a new installation this year. As a former Brat myself, I can attest to how these frequent moves can be difficult for military children as they adjust to new schools, friends, and environments. They often have to leave behind close friends and family members and may struggle to form new relationships.
On March 31, The White House released A Proclamation on Month of the Military Child, 2023 that read in part,
"Most of these young patriots uproot their lives every few years — starting at new schools, making new friends, and learning new cultures and customs in different corners of the country and around the globe. They often celebrate birthdays and holidays with an empty seat at the dinner table. Many have marked graduations without one of their biggest fans in the crowd."
Despite these challenges, military brats are known for their resilience, adaptability, and service to their country. They grow up in a unique environment that instills a strong sense of duty, loyalty, and patriotism. They also learn valuable life skills, such as independence, self-reliance, and the ability to adapt to change. These skills serve them well throughout their lives in personal and professional endeavors.
Military brats, also known as military dependents or military children, are individuals who grew up with one or both parents serving in the military. These children face unique challenges that differ from those experienced by their civilian peers. While military brats are often associated with the current generation of children, there are older generations of brats and children of civilian workers like myself who can relate to the military lifestyle.
Celebrate the Resilience of the Brat
Military Brats Day is an important day to recognize and honor the unique experiences and sacrifices of military brats. It is a time to celebrate their resilience and adaptability and raise awareness of the challenges military families face. Please take the time to read the story describing the symbolism of why the Dandelion was selected in 1998 as the official flower of Military Brats.